the left doesn’t understand is that they are not God; Jesus is. It’s not the
Christians that are looting, rioting, stealing, killing and burning, it is the
left. What the left doesn’t realize is that they can’t win. Evil cannot stand
against God for long.
The purpose, of my
writing this synopsis, is to once again call attention to the ongoing spiritual
battle for the heart and soul of the nation of the United States . The Bible describes things that will
take place in the end times, leading up to the End of the Age. The New World
Order movement needs of overthrow the United States and our system of government, because we
are the only substantial barrier to the introduction of the Antichrist. It is
readily evident that the convergence[1] of
the things Jesus said would happen[2],
before the Rapture, the Antichrist taking power, the tribulation and the
thousand year reign have and are happening.
I have included the
thoughts of some others, which pertain to this subject, so that it won’t be a
one sided opinion piece.
2 Thessalonians 2:1-122 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,
and by our gathering together unto him,2 That ye be not soon
shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter
as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.3 Let no man deceive you
by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away
first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that
is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself
that he is God.5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.7 For the mystery of
iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken
out of the way.8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume
with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his
coming:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and
signs and lying wonders,10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish;
because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.11 And for this cause
God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”
used to think I was pretty much just a regular person, but I was born white
into a two-parent household which now labels me as "Privileged",
racist and responsible for slavery.
I am a fiscal and moral conservative,
which by today's standards, makes me a fascist because I plan & budget.
But I now find out that I am not here
because I earned it, but because I was "advantaged”.
I am heterosexual, which according to some
folks, now makes me a homophobe.
I am not a Muslim, which now labels me as
an infidel.
I believe in the 2nd Amendment, which
makes me a threat to the liberals and I get labeled as being part of a
I think and I reason, and I doubt much of
what the "main stream" media tells me, which makes me a
"Right-wing conspiracy nut”.
I am proud of my heritage and our
inclusive American culture, making me a xenophobe.
I believe in hard work, fair play, and
fair compensation according to each individual's merits, which today makes me a
target of socialist and Antifa.
I believe our system guarantees freedom of
effort - not freedom of outcome or subsidies which must make me a borderline
I believe in a strong defense and
protection of America for and by
all citizens, now making me a militant.
I am proud of our flag, what it stands for
and the many who died to let it fly, so I stand and salute during our National
Anthem - so I must be a racist. I kneel only for The Cross, which makes me
I think the Confederate monuments around
our country symbolize history, so I'm labeled as having hate in my heart when
some suddenly are offended by their presence.
I'm labeled racist when thinking the
erasing of history will potentially cause us to repeat the problems. I think
that all lives matters, which labels me as a racist.
I support Trump, which labels me as a
racist. I think the riots and destruction of property around our country is
wrong and is just an excuse to push a political agenda, so I'm labeled a
I support our cops, which labels me as a
racist. I vote for the Republican Party because it best represents my
conservative views, which labels me as a racist.
I question how fear is being used to
control us during the COVID-19 pandemic and think the crisis is being used for
political gain, so I'm labeled careless and non-sympathetic.
Liberals (leftists) have tried to make me
feel bad about who I am! Based on everything above, some want me to believe I
am a bad person, I'm not, I'm a good person who loves my country, and our
am 51 year old female, lifelong Democrat and first generation American.
I both cried and threw up the day that
President Trump was elected, telling my family I would be leaving the US If
that man was our President.
I even phone banked for Obama’s campaign I
was also a liberal protest strategist when I lived in California . I was all
Then The Rona happened. Instead of
watching edited bits on the news, I watched President Trump’s press conferences
from beginning to end and then I would compare it to the snippets that MSM was
It was shocking the way they were
reporting on him. The actions he took would be twisted his words would be
misinterpreted and used against him and I started to get disgusted.
I tried sharing with other liberal friends
to no avail. It seemed as if my friends would prefer being spoon fed lies over
doing their own research and being adult enough to change their opinion when
presented with facts.
Meanwhile I was watching democratic
governors and their insistence to just close the whole country down and it
seemed to me, that the stimulus check was a way of buying compliance while
unemployment was incentivizing people to not work.
I am impressed with how President Trump
has handled The Rona, George Floyd’s murder and the following protests and
riots. The man is under incredible pressure and is being continually
ridiculed by both the media and our citizens.
I do not like where Democrats are trying
to lead us.
I feel the need to stand up and protect
this country and our Constitution and it is with President Trump and his
supporters where I find the most alignment.
We can’t keep destroying our own history.
We can’t keep dividing up the American people.
We are One People though we may come from
different lands and look differently and that is the beauty of the USA .
Thank you President Trump you’re taking
allllll the heat and performing incredibly under such intense pressure. I stand
with you and support you. You have my vote.”[4]
this is THE reason America is not
"American" anymore. Moronic-Marxist decisions made by those with no
roots in the country's founding, history or past, elected by others with no
roots in the country's founding, history or past. One whose family passed
through Ellis Island at some point in the 1900s...ignorant newcomers, and
outsiders bringing ignorance, breeding ignorance, and purveying ignorance while
demolishing the country and wiping true Americans away. Stupid fools!
Fools and blind, leading other fools and
blind, heading over the cliff. And thus our point is proven.
Teddy Roosevelt had both Federal and
Confederate ancestors. Teddy Roosevelt hung out with Black Confederate 9th TX
Sharpshooter and MS bad__s Holt Collier.
What y'all are seeing is the death of the
country because of ignorant newcomers, and those who hate her
you haven’t read the BOOK OF REVELATION, you simply can’t understand what is
happening all around you. You might say, you are keeping your head ‘where the
Son don’t shine’.
Our country has recently been torn apart
because of the deaths of two drug affected career criminals. Yes the one death
was murder, but our priorities seem to be out of kilter.
have been an Arkansas Law Enforcement Officer for 28 years and today I
witnessed something I never thought I would see. I have seen many bad
things and have dealt with many bad guys, but my confidence in my fellow
citizens received a blow. I watched as people protested and expressed
their views as I had done so many times in the past, but as darkness came so
did a feeling of evil. I watched as things began to spiral out of
control. I watched as so called peaceful protesters painted graffiti on
our beautiful State Capitol. I watched as a car spun around and
around on the lawn of this beautiful building. I watched as young people
busted windows on office building and broke parking gates from their
poles. I watched as fireworks and rockets were fired at police officers.
I watched a man attacked for expressing the wrong views and police attacked for
pulling him from the crowd. I watched as I and other officers were
attacked with bricks and bottles for trying to protect our State Capitol and
all in the name of Justice. I never expected to fear for my life and my
fellow officers lives for trying to protect what their forefathers built and
what their tax dollars support. I watched as officers had to use flash
grenades and tear gas to stop the violence and disperse a crowd of well over
1000 people. I saw Law Enforcement officers from multiple agencies put
their lives in danger for the very ones that would have killed them in a
minute. I watched hatred for law and order and those that try to maintain
it. I watched hatred for police officers for just doing their jobs.
I watched in disbelief as my State fell into chaos. My heart was saddened
and I was angry at the same time. I stood in wonder at how my great State and
Country was dieing right before my eyes. I was sad that such a blessed people
would throw it all away. I stood there and said God help us
all. God forgive us all but most of all God protect us from the evil that
is consuming the human race.”[6]
- The racist mayor of Atlanta took the
opposite action that should have been taken and fired the white cops because
they were white. A proof of this, to me, is that the chief of police resigned
because of her illegal action.
At a minimum, the officers were entitled
to due process, which they did not get.
Based on a complaint by the fast food
restaurant, the two policemen investigated the incident and found that the
suspect was under the influence of alcohol. We won’t know what other substances
were involved until after the toxicology report is in from the autopsy.
When the suspect was being placed under
arrest, he assaulted the police officers, stole a taser gun while fighting the
policeman and ran. He turned and fired the taser at the police which resulted
in him being shot by the police. As a side light; the city officials, in a
separate case, decided the tasers were lethal force.
The perpetrator died from his wounds and
the mayors prejudices kicked in. The police officers remain not guilty, as no
legal decision has been established. The Mayer should be immediately
subject to recall for the good of the city.
“GEORGE FLOYD- dead at age 46. Why did this happen?
Well, if you listen to Hollywood actors and
musicians, it was a simple case of one more black man dying at the hands of a
white cop. Police brutality, plain and simple. If you ask the Coroner in Milwaukee , he will tell
you the results of the autopsy into Floyd’s death was due to multiple factors-
meth and fentanyl were found in his system, along with a heart problem called
arteriosclerosis and hypertensive heart disease. Despite the fact that he was
high on drugs, the Hennepin medical examiner listed the cause of death-
Look at the facts concerning this case.
George Floyd was identified by a store clerk as the same man who earlier passed
several counterfeit $20 bills. The stated minimum penalty for passing “funny
money” is a mandatory 15 years in a federal prison and $15,000 in fines. It is
a class 2 felony. Floyd was leaving the store when officers arrived after a
9/11 call was made. He was confronted and told an eye witness said he had
passed counterfeit currency. He denied it. He was told he was under arrest for
“SUSPICION “of passing counterfeit bills. He resisted. It took 5 police
officers to put the cuffs on Floyd. Even after being cuffed, the cell phone
video shows Floyd walking around and pulling away from the grasp of police
officers. Several officers put him on the ground. One puts his knee of Floyd’s
neck while another pulls his hand cuffed arms back to subdue him. They keep him
in this position for almost 10 minutes. Floyd stops struggling. Then, he says,
“I can’t breathe”. Did the officer hear him or did he ignore him? The video
shows the officer looking around at the gathering crowd. A 2nd time, Floyd says
“I can’t breathe!” When the officer removes his knee, Floyd is unresponsive.
A medical unit is dispatched to the scene. Floyd is dead.
Who is to blame? Floyd? He was committing
a felony and was under the influence of illegal drugs. He had a heart condition
that he may or may not have been aware of. The officers? They were responding
to a 9/11 call because a crime was in progress. Did they commit homicide, which
is defined as the “pre-meditated” and intentional death of someone else? I
would submit if they intended to kill Floyd, pulling their service weapon and
putting 2 rounds in the chest and 1 in the head would qualify as homicide. I
believe these officers went too far but I believe they didn’t do it because of
race. They were trying to protect themselves.
I got an email from Etsy, a company I have
advertised my solar plates on. They said they stood in solidarity with BLACK
LIVES MATT ER. They said
they were appalled by the brutality of police officers and the biased judges
who sit on the bench. QUESTI ON- are you
saying all police officers are murdering brutes? Isn’t that “RACIST?” Are
there bad cops? Sure! Are all black men thugs? No! But all black men who die
because of committing a crime and resisting arrest and are high on drugs and
not thinking straight aren’t all Boy Scouts either!!!
I spoke to my uncle the other day. He is a
minister and a trained counselor and a very smart man. He told me something I
had not considered. The reason why America is under
siege and being torn apart at the seams are 3-fold:
1- The Media wants a race war. Remember
the Glynn Frey song, “Dirty Laundry?” Bad news sells!
2- The liberal politicians want to do
anything to discredit President Donald Trump. Say what you want about the
President but he doesn’t play by the political rule book and they hate him for
it. For 4 years, they’ve tried everything to get rid of him. They were even
willing to destroy our economy with this Covid-19 pandemic. They willingly stir
the pot and point fingers at 1600
Pennsylvania Ave.
3- The 3rd and main reason is: NATURAL
DISASTER. Huh? June 1 started the hurricane season here in Florida . We have been
urged to prepare for impending storms. The mid-west deals with tornados. The
west deals with wild fires. Earthquakes and floods happen all the time. Why?
Because the earth is suffering from the affects of sin! It started in the
Garden of Eden and has progressively gotten worse. The great divide between the
races in America is a
“natural” result of the affects of sin! I don’t hate people because of the
color of their skin but some people do. I respect police officers and pray for
them because I believe they are trying to keep our communities safe. Some don’t
believe that. I believe criminals look for an excuse to steal and destroy for
their own gain. Not because of their anger toward any group or race of people.
Some don’t believe that.
It is tragic George Floyd died but I
believe if he hadn’t been in the process of committing a felony, he would still
be alive. I believe if he hadn’t had his mind altered by illegal drugs, he
would have complied with the police. I believe if his cardiovascular system
hadn’t been under increased stress due to the drugs in his system, his heart
would have been able to pump the needed oxygen his body needed to
Problem is, some people just won’t believe
I pray that America will bless
NOTE- the reason for this post is not to
cast blame or ridicule on anyone or on any particular group of color. It is a
result of several factors that have been weighing heavy on my heart. The local
and national news is so corrupt and biased that they don’t report news, they
just give their opinions and we can read that on Facebook. Also, Forbes
magazine had an article quoting Beyoncé, LeBron James and that wise and mature
American, Justin Bieber, who said, “we shouldn’t be afraid to speak our minds!
We should tell the world what we think and we aren’t going to to take it
anymore!” Well, Mr Bieber, I’ve spoken my mind and said what I think. Sorry it
doesn’t jive with your thoughts. Does that make me racist? Does that make me
wrong?? I am grieving for America because I
have 3 grandchildren whom I care a great deal about that are going to inherit
this world. I pray God will watch out for them.[7]
remember the countless times I canvassed the area afterwards, and asked
everyone “did you see who did it”, and the popular response from the very same family
members was always, “F___ the Police, I ain’t no snitch, I’m gonna take care of
this myself. This happened every single time, every single homicide, black on
black, and then my realization became clearer.
I woke up every morning, put my freshly
pressed uniform on, shined my badge, functioned checked my weapon, kissed my
wife and kid, and waited for my wife to say the same thing she always does
before I leave, “Make sure you come back home to us”. I always replied, “I will”,
but the truth was I was never sure if I would. I almost lost my life on this
job, and every call, every stop, every moment that I had this uniform on, was
another possibility for me to almost lose my life again. I was a target in the
very community I swore to protect, the very community I wanted to help. As a
matter of fact, they hated my very presence. They called me “Uncle Tom”, and
“wanna be white boy”, and I couldn’t understand why. My own fellow black men
and women attacking me, wishing for my death, wishing for the death of my
family. I was so confused, so torn; I couldn’t understand why my own black
people would turn against me, when every time they called …I was there. Every
time someone died….I was there. Every time they were going through one of the
worst moments in their lives…I was there. So why was I the enemy? I dove deep
into that question…Why was I the enemy? Then my realization became clearer.
Complaint: Police always targeting us,
they always messing with the black man.
Fact: A city where the majority of
citizens are black (Baltimore for example) …will ALWAYS have a higher rate of
black people getting arrested, it will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks
getting stopped, and will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks getting killed,
and the reason why is because a city with those characteristics will ALWAYS
have a higher rate of blacks committing crime. The statistics will follow the
same trend for Asians if you go to China , for
Hispanics if you go to Puerto Rico , for whites
if you go to Russia , and the list
goes on. It’s called Demographics
Complaint: More black people get arrested
than white boys.
Fact: Black People commit a grossly
disproportionate amount of crime. Data from the FBI shows that Nationwide,
Blacks committed 5,173 homicides in 2014, whites committed 4,367. Chicago ’s death toll
is almost equal to that of both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan , combined. Chicago ’s death toll
from 2001–November, 26 2015 stands at 7,401. The combined total deaths during
Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-2015: 4,815) and Operation Enduring
Freedom/Afghanistan (2001-2015: 3,506), total 8,321.
Complaint: Blacks are the only ones
getting killed by police, or they are killed more.
Fact: As of July 2016, the breakdown of
the number of US Citizens killed by Police this year is, 238 White people
killed, 123 Black people killed, 79 Hispanics, 69 other/or unknown race.”[8]
LIKENESS OF GOD. Does that statement of truth mean anything to you? According
to God’s Word, there is one race; the human race. One is all He created. There
are also only men and women, because that is all He created.
I realize that there are many, many people
who are more intelligent than God, at least in their little warped brains. If
you have red blood, you have life, because the life is in the blood.
The autopsy room and embalming parlor show
us that we are all the same. Oh, skin color is a problem for you? Well, who are
you? I guess that if skin color is a real defining factor, then when we get to
Heaven, we will all be royal purple.
I see the streets filled with paid
rioters, like BLM and Antifa that are mixed in with the misguided protestors,
who are (in essence) giving cover and legitimacy to the criminal element. I
feel sorry for the lack of even common sense that is prevalent in the mob
mentality that seems to have taken over the legitimate protestors. The question
is why do we allow ourselves to be used?
We have to remember that the police are
our first and basically our only line of defense against real danger. Notice
how the criminals are all calling for doing away with any real police presence.
People that buy into such lies thrive on strife, contention, hate,
division, and chaos. When you haven't got a leg to stand on, your only option
is to throw in the racist card.
created ONE RACE - the Human Race. Thank God for the many great people of
ALL colors who continue to strive to learn to judge a man by his character, and
not by the color of their skin.”[10]
only winners in this whole fiasco are the people who are being hidden from you,
the ones who are trying to set up the Antichrist New World Order. Go ahead,
deny it! Chances are, when you finally recognize the truth, your chance to be
on the side of Heaven will be lost forever. While there is breath, the chance
for salvation exists; however, the last breath is the point of no return.
have worked around, with and for black people since I was a child. I can’t
imagine any of the black people I have known, would be involved in the current
rioting. When do the American black people, who love our country, get honored?
Brian Kilmeade, on Fox, says he never
thought he would see the type of things happening in Minneapolis . I, on the
other hand, can’t distinguish the difference between the film now and the film
of the 1960’s. Can you?
Sending the National Guard to Minneapolis seems to be a
good idea. What could possibly go wrong? Perhaps we should remember Kent State .
Saul Alinsky and Obama were both neighborhood agitators. How much of their lives contributed to what is going on in
It was good of President Trump to step in
and bring in the weight of the federal government to the George Floyd murder.
Why? Because, normally speaking, the wheels of justice turn slowly.
What the heck does the dead man’s color
have to do with it? That was a human being, under that cops knee. A human
killed another human - on camera. The perp (cop) was fired, but needs to be
charged - at least with manslaughter. Oh, perhaps we should destroy the city,
before the justice system has a chance to work.
Hey Minneapolis ! Your right
to peacefully assemble and demonstrate is perfectly acceptable. When it turns
into rioting and looting, breaking and entering and destruction, it becomes an
act of war. In other words, domestic terrorism.
“Fact: Black
people kill more other blacks than Police do, and there are only protest and
outrage when a cop kills a black man. University of Toledo criminologist Dr.
Richard R. Johnson examined the latest crime data from the FBI’s Supplementary
Homicide Reports and Centers for Disease Control and found that an average of
4,472 black men were killed by other black men annually between Jan. 1, 2009,
and Dec. 31, 2012. Professor Johnson’s research further concluded that 112
black men died from both justified and unjustified police-involved killings
annually during this same period.
Complaint: Well we already doing a good
job of killing ourselves, we don’t need the Police to do it. Besides they
should know better.
The more I listened, the more I realized.
The more I researched, the more I realized. I would ask questions, and would
only get emotional responses & inferences based on no facts at all. The
more killing I saw, the more tragedy, the more savagery, the more violence, the
more loss of life of a black man at the hands of another black man….the more I
I haven’t slept well in the past few
nights. Heartbreak weighs me down, rage flows through my veins, and tears fill
my eyes. I watched my fellow officers assassinated on live television, and the
images of them lying on the ground are seared into my brain forever. I couldn’t
help but wonder if it had been me, a black man, a black cop, on TV,
assassinated, laying on the ground dead,. Would my friends and family still
think black lives mattered? Would my life have mattered? Would they make
t-shirts in remembrance of me? Would they go on TV and protest violence? Would
they even make a Facebook post, or share a post in reference to my death?
I realized that they refuse to believe
that most cops acknowledge that there are Bad cops who should have never been
given a badge & gun, who are chicken shit and will shoot a cockroach if it
crawls at them too fast, who never worked in the hood and may be intimidated.
That most cops dread the thought of having to shoot someone, and never see the
turmoil and mental anguish that a cop goes through after having to kill someone
to save his own life. Instead they believe that we are all blood thirsty
killers, because the media says so, even though the numbers prove otherwise. I
realize that they truly feel as if the death of cops will help people realize
the false narrative that Black Lives Matter, when all it will do is take their
movement two steps backwards and label them domestic terrorist. I realized that
some of these people, who say Black Lives Matter, are full of hate and racism.
Hate for cops, because of the false narrative that more black people are
targeted and killed. Racism against white people, for a tragedy that began
100’s of years ago, when most of the white people today weren’t even born yet.
I realized that some in the African-American community’s idea of “Justice” is
the prosecution of ANY and EVERY cop or white man that kills or is believed to
have killed a black man, no matter what the circumstances are. I realized the
African American community refuses to look within to solve its major issues,
and instead makes excuses and looks outside for solutions. I realized that a
lot of people in the African American lead with hate, instead of love. Division
instead of Unity. Turmoil and rioting, instead of Peace. I realized that they
have become the very entity that they claim they are fighting against.
I realized that the very reasons I became
a cop, are the very reasons my own people hate me, and now in this toxic
hateful racially charged political climate, I am now more likely to die,… and
it is still hard for me to understand…. to this day.”[11]
There are those who continually seem to long for the times when
the Indians roamed the lands of the "New World . I do not seek to denigrate the Indians
as a people. I do question the glorification of a culture based upon tribalism,
whether it was here in America in times past, or as tribalism
which still exists in many countries, such as Afghanistan today.
Are you enjoying your new world where there is no unity, no law,
no security, and least of, no liberty?
At one time we were a country united "under One
"Blessed is the nation whose God is The Lord." Oh that's
right, we've managed to throw Him out also! He is no longer wanted in the
public arena. He is barely allowed to exist within the walls of what is loosely
claimed to be the churches of Christianity. "My name is on your lips, but
your heart is far from me."
I wonder, which "tribe" do you think will win, or
will the final two tribes continue in their insanity until there is no one left
to win, and all is lost?
God doesn't change because of our doubt and unbelief, but it is
plain to see, that without faith and trust in The Lord, mankind is bent on
death and destruction.
Seek The Lord, for only in Him is there true hope.
"Jesus said: I am the way, the truth, and the life."[12]
Black mayor
Black police chief
58 percent of policemen are black
“Dear BLM: Don't
try to tell me what you had to go through. You didn't have to experience what I
did either. Doesn't my life matter too? Aren't I human too?
When I was growing up, I was chased and beaten by multiple black
kids, all whom were taught by their parents that white people were bad and dangerous.
People like you taught these kids RACISM because you FEARED it. My life
mattered too, didn't it, but apparently, you didn't care enough to STOP
teaching YOUR kids RACISM.
Your fear didn't give you the RIGHT to teach your kids to beat the
crap out of me on a daily basis, simply because you taught them YOUR RACISM.
That fear also didn't give the right to 3 of your boys to hold me down in a
bathroom and do what they wanted, but please, tell me how YOU were all so
beaten down and oppressed. Funny, I could have sworn I was beaten down and
oppressed by those YOU taught RACISM to.
Apparently, you didn't learn enough about racism, since it didn't
appear to matter if YOUR own children learned and acted on it.
I can't tell you how many times I went home with bruises and blood
dripping down my body from the abuse I endured at your children's hands. Funny,
how none of the black teachers ever reported it, even though they knew what was
happening. Where were your voices then? Where was the outrage for someone who had
to deal with the ANGER TAUGHT BY YOU? Can I remove YOUR HIST ORY TOO?? It's VERY OFFENSIVE to me - -
That, my BLM FRIENDS was, and still is REAL RACISM, and YOU
Funny, I would have never known how abused YOU were by the smile on
YOUR CHILDR EN'S faces as they tore into my white skin
and called me racial SLURS. Actually, I thought I knew how abused they were by
their hated. I kept telling myself, "someone must be beating them up to
make them hate that much." Later, I found out that they weren't beaten.
They were just taught to HATE WHITES for what their ANCESTORS went through,
even though most of you NEVER MET THOSE ANCESTORS.
That's ok; I let it go, years ago. I didn't teach my kids to hate
your kids. In fact, quite the opposite.
Instead, I taught them to love ALL people because no matter what
YOU were taught, I was taught that WE were ALL HUMAN.
I didn't DEMAND reparations from any of you for all the abuse I
endured at your hands. How dare you demand it from ME!
I didn't whine and scream abuse. I sucked it up and rose above it.
So, please tell me about how I don't know what YOU had to endure
when most of you don't know what REAL racism is, and so many of you still act
racist today.
I could teach you a thing or two about REAL RACISM. After all, I see it at my job all
the TIME and I've had to endure it regularly.
I didn't demand that police stop all activities, even though an
officer took liberties with me that he shouldn't have when I was just a child.
No, I still respected officers.
You see, that ONE officer didn't give ME the right to disrespect
OTHER officers. If you teach your kids to disrespect officers, like the 12 yr
old who spat on the officer a couple of weeks ago, what do you expect?
You think teaching your kids to put their hands on the steering
wheel is a bad thing. Big whoop, I do that automatically. No one had to teach
me it.
You think, making sure you don't wear your hoodie on your head, is
a bad thing since an officer might kill you. Duh, that applies to white people
too, but not because the officers want to abuse YOU or US.
Officers have to deal with criminals every day. They're
hyper-vigilant to certain types of clothes because many times, REAL CRIMINALS WEAR THEM. There are so many
things YOU think 'ONLY' BLACK or BROWN people have to go through, which is
simply not so.
Many of us, "white folk," go through the same list you
teach your kids. Big whoop! The difference is most of us don't teach them to
hate white cops or ANY cops, for that matter. You might try it and see what
happens. It's like magic. You can smile and laugh with them, and they stop
thinking of you as a threat pretty quick. It's amazing. You think white people
don't have to ASK PERMISSI ON to get their wallets, so an officer doesn't think they're a danger
to them? Please, spare me your ignorance. I do it every single time I'm stopped
by an officer. You think it shouldn't take 45 min for a traffic stop. Not only
does it take 45 min, I've been there longer than that. Surprise!
You think whites are stupid enough to reach into their pockets or
allow their hands to come too close to their pockets without permission, during
a traffic stop? No one is that dumb, I hope. Why? Because anyone with COMM ON SENSE knows that officers have to do
this DAILY, and MANY are SHOT by PEOPLE WHO DO STUPID stuff that can HARM the
so-prise, as Gomer Pile used to say.
I don't take my anger out on others and break into stores, picket
or riot just because YOU or someone else made it rough on me. So, why do you
think it's, ok for you to do so to others? It's not ok!
Are you saying your life is more important than MINE or all the
other races? I think God would disagree with you. I think ALL LIVES ARE IMPORTANT,
How dare any of you use the pain and death of those most of you
don't even know, as a way to demand OUR GOV 'T release CRIMINALS. Do you not care
about OUR SAFETY?? YOU, YOURSELVES, have acted like criminals. Shame on those,
who permit and foster this.
Do any of you reading this, think the below is ok FOR ANY RACE TO
"In 2016, Black Lives Matter and a coalition of 60
organizations affiliated with BLM called for decarceration, (release of those IMPR ISONED, that includes murderers,) in the
United States, reparations, (payment from white people who never hurt them,)
for slavery in the United States, an end to mass surveillance, (no video
coverage, so you can't tell who is breaking into stores or homes or committing
a crime,) investment in public education not incarceration (that went over
really well in my school, didn't it?) and community control of the police (they
want to control the police): empowering residents in communities of
"color" to "hire and fire police officers" and "issue
subpoenas," "decide disciplinary consequences* and"
"exercise CONTROL over CITY funding of police."
EXCUSE ME? I have a better idea. How about we just give you
control of all countries and everyone else just jumps off a building, since,
clearly, you don't give a rat's ass about anyone else but yourselves.
Grow the f up!! Stop blaming everyone else for your damn problems.
Get over the past like us Jews had to get over ours.
Come into the LIGHT and stop teaching hatred toward white people
and cops, and then maybe you won't have a problem.
Thanks for hearing me out. God bless you and yours!”[13]
“From Seattle police
officer last night: "Hey guys, I have a little down time so here is an
update on things here. Absolute madness here. Can't even express it all. Day 12
for us and our Mayor and chief abandoned a major precinct and gave it to the
anarchists. Unthinkable. 9 blocks of our city under the complete control of
these terrorists. No joke. This is unreal. No police, no fire dept, no sanity
allowed in. They have an armed force patrolling, manning checkpoints and
stopping cars and citizens at gun point. They are creating a currency, an ID
system, a supply system that includes food, water, ammo and chemical weapons.
They have access to the precinct and have made it their HQ. Our
"leaders" are completely silent and the city council is completely
complicit. Yes, they have been on the front lines WITH the anarchists and yes,
last night one council member let about 200 into city hall. The warlord in
charge of the new "capitol hill autonomous zone" (CHAZ) drives a Tesla
and has been arrested for drugs, guns, pimping and crimes against children and
is on a federal child porn watch list. He carries an AK-47 and has already
started abusing people inside. WTF? You can't make this up. We have been
castrated. There is no recovering from this. We can't go near the zone and have
been warned by our dept to stay away. We are only working for each other now.
We have been in battles where these psychopaths have hit us with rocks, cinderblocks,
homemade napalm, and even IEDs. Multiple injuries and THEN we gave up the
precinct. Now the guns are out. This city can burn. I'm working on my exit plan
now. The city and state hates us and gives us no support, in fact the leaders
are actively supporting this very real insurgency. Yet, all you hear in the
media is that they are merely peaceful protesters. This is real. There is a
part of our country that is no longer under our control. People need to know.
This is not about race. It's about control. Share it, but DON'T say my name."
friend of mine who’s been with APD for many
years sent me this to read and I would encourage all of you to do the same.
It’s phenomenal.
Before reading below, remember that
officers are afforded the same constitutional rights a citizens, so whether
they’re charged for political reasons or not, the facts of the case remain the
same until their day in court:
In order to understand this situation,
you’ve got to set feelings and emotions aside to understand objective
So looking at this case, what do we know?
A DUI investigation determined that he was
too intoxicated to drive. The body cam showed the officers being overly
nice and polite to him the entire time all the way up until the handcuffs were
about to go on, as they should’ve been.
As soon as they tried to cuff him, an all
out brawl took place. Not just resisting, but punching them in the face
and throwing them around.
He took one officer’s taser, threw him
face first into the asphalt, stood up, and took off.
So let’s pause there and see where we’re
at legally.
Obstruction X2 - Felony
Aggravated assault X2 - Felony
Strong Armed Robbery - Felony
And believe it or not....
Possession of a firearm during the
commission of a crime – Felony
Per Georgia Law, a taser is classified as
a “less-lethal” FIREARM as they do occasionally cause death.
(OCGA 16-11-106)
These offenses are important because there
is a case law called Tennessee v Garner
What Tennessee v Garner
states is:
“When a non-violent felon is ordered to stop
and submit to police, ignoring that order does not give rise to a reasonable
good-faith belief that the use of deadly force is necessary, UNLESS it has been
So this goes back to the taser being
classified as a firearm that can cause death or great bodily harm.
They fought
He stole the taser
He got up and ran
The 2nd officer chased after him and tried
to use his own taser against him, but he didn’t get a good connection.
Brooks then turns, aims the taser at the
officer, and fires. Statutorily, this is no different than firing a gun.
(The taser that APD carries has 2
cartridges, so Brooks could have potentially shot the officer twice.)
The officer dropped his taser from his
left hand after it appears he was hit by a barb on the video, draws his
sidearm, fires 3 shots, falls against a car in the parking lot and Brooks goes
Brooks was not only a continuing threat to
the officer since he could still fire the taser again, but he also showed an
EXTREME desire to get away, with a weapon. So it is not unreasonable to
have the fear that he would use that weapon to carjack a motorist sitting in
the drive-thru line, take a hostage, or otherwise hurt another innocent party.
What does Georgia Law say about deadly
OCGA 17-4-20 (b):
“1. Sheriffs and peace officers may use
deadly force:
1.) to apprehend a suspected felon only
when the officer reasonably believes that the suspect possesses a deadly
weapon. (He did)
2.) to apprehend a suspected felon who
possesses any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively
against a person, is likely to or actually does result in serious bodily
injury. (He did)
3.) to apprehend a suspected felon when
the officer reasonably believes that the suspect poses an immediate threat of
physical violence to the officer or others (He did)
4.) to apprehend a suspected felon when
there is probable cause to believe that the suspect has committed a crime
involving the infliction or threatened infliction of serious physical harm (He
The officer only needed one of those
requirements, but he had all 4........
Now the reason taser’s are considered
“less-lethal” is because when used appropriately, you are “less likely” to kill
someone vs using a gun. But Brooks hasn’t been through the training to
know how to avoid certain vulnerable parts of the body, and he doesn’t
understand how neuromuscular incapacitation (NMI) works, which makes it MORE
likely for him to cause great bodily injury or death than if an officer used
And just to support the fact that tasers
can and do kill, there is an East Point Officer currently sitting in prison for
improperly using a taser and killing a man a few years ago.
(Eberhart v Georgia )
“He could’ve shot him in the leg!”
Right off the top, it is unconstitutional
to do so. It is considered cruel and unusual punishment to employ a gun in that
manner. Either an officer felt deadly force was necessary, or he should use a
lesser response.
We could just leave it at that, but that's
too much of a cop out, so let's discuss WHY it has been deemed
unconstitutional. For one thing, that's an extremely difficult shot to make.
The target is quite narrow, and in continuous motion as the suspect runs
away/charges the officer. Under the best of conditions trying to hit the leg is
challenging...to be generous about it. But in a life or death encounter, the
officer's fine motor skills will be eroded by the stress of the encounter
making the shot, turning a leg shot into a very low probability feat.
Assuming a round does hit the leg, then
what? The only way a shot to the leg would immediately stop a threat is by
shattering one of the bones, and stopping the threat is the ultimate
goal. While it is very difficult to find a shot to the leg that will
immediately stop a threat, it is actually comparatively easy to find shots to
the leg which eventually prove fatal. Human legs have very large blood vessels
which are essentially unprotected (femoral artery)
Now remember, we’ve had days to sit back,
watch videos, discuss, and analyze this entire thing. The officers had
less than a minute from the time the fight started, and less than 5 seconds to
interpret EVERYTHING you just read while running, getting shot at with a taser,
and returning fire.”[14]
“Coalition for Jewish Values
Fellow American:
Over 1,500
leading rabbis are lending their voice to our nation’s vital public policy
debates. Why?
Contrary to years
of false innuendos in the media, the overwhelming majority of America 's Rabbis are conservative, and recognize
the source of America 's core values.
The truth is,
when leftists pledged their loyalty to people who want to destroy America and Israel , they abandoned us all, we had no choice.
Once the mayor of
New York
permitted protests and riots in the streets but attacked the Jewish Community
for burying a community leader and threw children out of playgrounds, we had no
And when a
candidate for President agreed to violate U.S. law to support terrorists in the Middle East , we had no choice.
If you think it’s
time to fight back against politicians who would attack America’s core values,
prohibit us from worshiping freely or support terrorists, then join our
Coalition today with a gift of $25, $50, $100 or more.
The 2020 election
is shaping up to be one of the most important of our lifetime. It will impact
policy regarding religious liberty, economic recovery, life, marriage,
immigration, Israel , and many other important topics.
Most Americans
know the story of Moses splitting the Red Sea , enabling the Jewish people to escape the Pharaoh’s army. Much
less well-known is a meaningful detail added to the story by the Medrash (an
authority on the interpretation of the Torah).
When Moses first
reached out his hand to part the sea, the Medrash tells us, nothing happened.
But Nahshon, head of the tribe of Judah , knew that G-d had promised to part the
sea, and so he walked right in before anything happened. When the water reached
his nose, then the sea parted. Nahshon had faith that G-d would fulfill his
promise, even with no proof – so he acted, and G-d delivered.
That’s why we’re
unrolling the Nahshon Project — to protect Biblical values and fight back
against radical leftist forces who oppose the bedrock principles upon which our
nation’s Founding Fathers established this great country.
The Coalition for
Jewish Values is organizing the largest Jewish Get Out The Vote effort in our
nation, and we are counting on your generous gift of $10, $25, $50, or more
today to help us fight back by educating and mobilizing tens of thousands of our
community members who vote with their values.
Even amid the
global pandemic we’re facing, radical leftist organizations are recruiting, and
training thousands, of workers in key battleground states to deceive and
mobilize Jewish voters. Coalition for Jewish Values
The left thinks
they own the Jewish vote, but with your help, we can ensure they do not.
These radicals
are more interested in anarchy than Biblical Values and if we remain silent,
they are guaranteed to deceive these voters.
That is why we
the Coalition for Jewish Values must begin mobilizing voters who already
believe in our values, what America now calls Judeo-Christian ethics, to stand
up and go to the ballot box in November.
These people need
the tools to help educate their friends, family members and even someone they
know who spends more time listening to Joe Scarborough than Rush Limbaugh.
This isn’t a
political fight between Donald Trump vs. the Democrats; it is a turning point
for human history, when we must choose between a future based upon Biblical
Values or upon radical socialism and elected leaders who seek to punish men and
women of faith.
Will you support
The Nahshon Project with your gift of $50 or more TODAY?
The Nahshon
Project will primarily focus our efforts in the Jewish Community nationwide to
do the following:
Registration — register 250,000 new voters
Voter Education —
mail more than 20 million pieces of voter education mail
Voter Turnout —
turn out 1 million voters to the polls
Through our
education campaigns, we will ensure that voters will better understand the
stakes our nation faces and why we can no longer afford to have elected leaders
who thwart the Constitution and disregard the Bible.
Help us defeat
the left’s plot to remove Biblical Values
On Thursday, June 4th, 2020 , Danny Pruitt was on his way to dinner,
when "peaceful protesters" blocked the road and one of them fired a
round through his window, hitting him in the back of the head.
Shot in the head, Danny tried to drive away but only made it about
a mile from the scene. Officers of the Alamosa Police Department found him
unconscious slumped over the wheel. He was taken by ambulance to San Luis
Valley Health Center and was later flown to another hospital in critical
condition with a bullet lodged in his brain. Danny is now on life support,
fighting for his life.
I only speak for myself but I know I'm not alone in what I'm about
to say. We're done! We're done pretending this is a peaceful
protest, it's "VIOLENT public disorder", the very definition of a
Riot. And rioting is what you rabid Marxist bastards have been allowed to
inflict on our nation.
Now, you can jump your masked-ass on top of a burning police car
and call us racist because we really don't care any longer, we're done.
We don't care about your precious feelings. We don't care if every Democrat
Mayor in the country allows you, criminals, to burn their city to the
ground. That's between you and the liberal politicians you put into
office. It's your choice to live this way but we on this side of the
divide have a choice as well.
We choose to stand shoulder to shoulder with the blue, we're done
with you killing our cops. Our choice is to stand in respect for our flag.
Our choice is to no longer stand down while you trample on our rights. In
short, we're done with you thinking you're going to destroy our country.
You have the right to protest but not Riot, just as we have the right to defend
our property, our lives, and our Constitution. We're Americans who will
only be pushed so far and you need to know, we're done!”[16]
someone please put two and two together? Please let the Bernie Democratic
Socialist branch know that -
In the early days, Hitler’s people were
known as Social Democrats. Let that sink in!
Why is it that we always hear about the
black people being killed by police and hardly ever hear about the white
people? There are many more white people! White Lives Matter every bit as much
as any other.
The very heritage, of the greatest country
in the history of the world, is under attack by the New World Order.
Destroying our statues is just the beginning.
Black Lives Matter are demonstrating in Scotland and France . Do we really
think they are upset over our problems? https://disrn.com/news/video-surfaces-of-black-lives-matter-founder-saying-were-trained-marxists
This is absolutely pathetic! If the local
law enforcement can't or won't regain control, then send in the United
States military and
take care of business now!
have been an Arkansas Law Enforcement Officer for 28 years and today I
witnessed something I never thought I would see. I have seen many bad
things and have dealt with many bad guys, but my confidence in my fellow
citizens received a blow. I watched as people protested and expressed
their views as I had done so many times in the past, but as darkness came so did
a feeling of evil. I watched as things began to spiral out of
control. I watched as so called peaceful protesters painted graffiti on
our beautiful State Capitol. I watched as a car spun around and
around on the lawn of this beautiful building. I watched as young people
busted windows on office building and broke parking gates from their
poles. I watched as fireworks and rockets were fired at police officers.
I watched a man attacked for expressing the wrong views and police attacked for
pulling him from the crowd. I watched as I and other officers were
attacked with bricks and bottles for trying to protect our State Capitol and
all in the name of Justice. I never expected to fear for my life and my
fellow officers lives for trying to protect what their forefathers built and
what their tax dollars support. I watched as officers had to use flash
grenades and tear gas to stop the violence and disperse a crowd of well over
1000 people. I saw Law Enforcement officers from multiple agencies put
their lives in danger for the very ones that would have killed them in a
minute. I watched hatred for law and order and those that try to maintain
it. I watched hatred for police officers for just doing their jobs.
I watched in disbelief as my State fell into chaos. My heart was saddened
and I was angry at the same time. I stood in wonder at how my great State and
Country was dieing right before my eyes. I was sad that such a blessed people
would throw it all away. I stood there and said God help us
all. God forgive us all but most of all God protect us from the evil that
is consuming the human race.”[17]
I should not have to justify the situation that I personally experienced at
Cheesecake Factory at Arundel Mills, however with the way things are I felt
some people would like a better understanding. First, I love my job and yes
many unfortunate events have occurred that have made us look like “the bad
guy”. Let me assure you that I do NOT fit in that category. I treat every
single person with the same respect. On 6/20/2020 I was working in the area of Arundel
Mills Mall in Hanover Maryland . I ordered
Cheesecake Factory for takeout, which I often do while working in that area.
Throughout my previous interactions while getting food in full uniform, I have
never had an issue. I called Cheesecake Factory to place my order as I was
sitting directly outside of the business. I spoke with a female on the phone
who took my order and she asked what type of vehicle I was in so they could
bring my food directly out to me when it was ready. I advised her that I was
working in the marked police vehicle that was directly across from the
establishment. I observed multiple vehicles pulling up to the establishment
directly next to the curb and parking across from the building next to me. Most
of the vehicles had their flashers on due to how busy they were. The female I
spoke with advised I would receive a text message when my food was ready and
they would confirm the vehicle I was in and once I acknowledged I was there,
they would bring my food out and take payment. This phone call was made at
exactly 8:20 . I received a
text messaged at 8:49 from a number
of (443) 770-6464. The message stated as such “Hi Taylor, this is The’In from
The Cheesecake Factory, your order is ready. Please respond with the make,
model and color of your vehicle and we’ll bring it right out to you. Please
inform us when you arrive and park on the curb directly outside of the
restaurant closet to the front door. Thank you!”. At 8:50 I responded with “Marked Police vehicle
and I am here. Thank you”. I watched the gentlemen working the curbside carry
out bring food and checks out to people parked next to the curb as well as
across the establishment due to the close proximity. I did wait in the exact
spot across from the establishment with another officer for approximately 10
minutes, watching the cars parked next to me receive their food. After the
approximate 10 minutes of no acknowledgement, I decided to park on the curb,
directly outside of the restaurant as they requested. I placed my flashers on
my vehicle, just like the vehicles parked in front and behind me. I watched the
employees go to the vehicles that came after me with their flashers on, I
watched them pay their checks and receive their food. I watched the employees
take checks and give food to the cars in front of me, who also came after me. I
did have an employee acknowledge me and we exchanged a hello, however he
continued walking to speak with the other drivers. I remained in my vehicle
until all the vehicles that were waiting were gone. I watched additional
employees including a cook, come out the door and stand in the direction of my
marked police vehicle. I waited exactly 31 minutes from time I received the
message stating my order was ready to when I decided to leave. At 9:21 , I texted the number again stating “After
waiting at the door for 30 minutes without reviving my food you can cancel my
order “. Yes I understand there was a typo in my message, however we are all
human and autocorrect is a thing. At 9:23 I received a
response stating “No problem.” I will be the first person to admit everyone
makes mistakes, and regardless of what the issue was... It could have been
corrected, an apology at the least if it truly was a mistake. However that did
not appear to be the intent behind this incident. This response I received and
lack of poor management is upsetting. A lot of people have asked why I didn’t
speak up about the issue then, however after 30 minutes of seeing what I
witnessed I would not have felt comfortable eating the food. It’s unfortunate
that we live in a world where we as humans , especially police officers right
now have a fear that someone could potentially try to harm us. Yes the mall
itself as well as the casino have security cameras that captured the entire
incident for everyone that is so skeptical. I received a lot of comments,
messages, etc and I want to say I genuinely appreciate all of the kind words
and gestures from you all. Yes, their is a lot of negative posts, and everyone
is entitled to their own opinion. I’m sorry that there are so many negative
people in today’s society, and it is disheartening to see. The negativity and
hate is what is wrong with society itself, everyone has the ability to change
their outlook and mindset. I took on the job that I did to hopefully change as
many peoples negative opinion of the police into something positive. I hope my
brothers and sisters in blue takes this as an additional reminder to be
cautious. To my brothers and sisters we are working in one of the hardest times
to be police officers. Yes I am a police officer and I am a human. Prayers to
each and everyone, to stay safe. 💞 The Cheesecake Factory”[18]
BLM organization’s website lists many counter-biblical ideals in its list of
core beliefs, including:
”- We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle his gender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence.
- We build a space that affirms Black
women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are
- We practice empathy. We engage comrades
with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts.
We make our spaces family-friendly and
enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the
patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work "double shifts" so
that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice
- We disrupt the Western-prescribed
nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended
families and "villages" that collectively care for one another,
especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are
- We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do
so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of
heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are
heterosexual (unless she or they disclose otherwise).”[19]

If your preacher is
not doing his best to get you to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, he is
not your pastor, he’s your nemesis.
Now is the time for repentance! You only
have until the Christians are pulled out, in the rapture. After that, it will
be very difficult to live, if you accept Jesus. The entirety of the world’s
forces will be against you.
Keep in mind that to claim you are a
Christian, without being Born Again, is identity misappropriation and doesn’t gain you entrance into Heaven.
[2] Matthew 24
[3] Tay
[7] Pastor Mike Patterson
[8] Unknown / incognito
police officer
[10] Ginger Fason Rahn
[12] Ginger Fason Rahn
[18] anonymous police officer
[19] BLM
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