Saturday, April 2, 2011

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Caesar Or God

          Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's.”[1]  Since it can be proven that this is indeed a Christian nation, we must render it (as the founders did) to the Lord-God. 

          I can only think of one reason why there are some people who want the Bible and Christianity silenced in the political arena.  They are afraid of the truth as “the truth will set you free”[2].  Exposed by their lack of Bible knowledge and understanding; lack of respect for the Bible and founding documents, they would necessarily be set free from working in a government they don’t understand.  We can easily see, therefore, those who would separate church from state are only attempting to secure their own employment. 

          The Bible and the United States government are truly inseparable.  This could be why many of the founders recommended that only Christians serve in political positions.  Since the Bible is the major source on which our founding documents are based, it should be the basis for our understanding of those documents (the Bible was quoted more than any other source).  Caesar did not form America, God did! 

          Santa Fe Independent School Dist. v. Doe, 530 U.S. 290 (2000), was a case heard before the United States Supreme Court. It ruled that a policy permitting student-led, student-initiated prayer at high school football games violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.”[3]  This decision, of March 29, 2000, is just another example of the court inventing additional Constitutional restrictions.  Since the words separation, wall, church, state and between appear no where in the first amendment, I can only believe that someone has an agenda.  Obviously this was an unconstitutional decision and a usurpation of our rights by the court.  Had the judges been vetted as Christians, in the manner recommended by many of the founding fathers, this case would have been tossed out as ridiculous. 

          In 1954, Senator Lyndon B. Johnson stuck a rider into an appropriations bill, that all 501(C)(3) organizations such as churches must stay out of the political arena.  As I have said in the past; if we don’t take the tax deductions, we will be free to fully participate in the American system.  In 2002, H.R. 2357 the “Houses of Worship Political Speech Protection Act” was presented to congress.  "In 1954, then-Senator Lyndon B. Johnson offered an amendment to a revenue bill that would permanently extend the stranglehold of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) into our nation's churches, synagogues and mosques. Since that time, the IRS has turned the 501(c)(3) code-section on its head in an attempt to punish pastors, priests and rabbis for nothing more than communicating the principles of faith during an election period,"[4]  The following statement by Rep. Henry Waxman is indicative of why it was defeated.  “If this ill-conceived bill became law, congregants may have to begin checking the political leanings of their rabbi or preacher before joining congregations.  Is that what we want?  Do we want annual membership dues ending up in campaign coffers?  Are we so greedy for campaign cash that we’re willing to violate sacred houses of worship and threaten the integrity of religion?”  To obey a law, that is so obviously unconstitutional, restricting the rights guaranteed to us is a sin against both man and God.  Where are the champions of our rights and freedoms? 

          If we do not vote, and especially do not vote for people of good “Christian character”[5]we are abdicating our responsibility.  What we have gotten is what we disserve based on our past inaction.  The anti-Christian forces in our country have been, and are, chipping away at our Christian foundation because we have let it happen. 

          This is the clarion call Christians!  Wake up or you have only yourselves to blame.  Today, 78 percent of our population are professing Christians but how many vote or are even registered to vote?  Our churches need to be the ones pushing for voter registration.  If they are afraid of the tax consequences, don’t mention candidates by name. If on the other hand, you wish to serve God rather than Caesar, teach the Bible for the benefit of the country. 

          “Does America really have a godly heritage?  It definitely does, and abundant proof of this fact is available in tens of thousands of historical documents.”[6] 

“, few today know that virtually every one of the fifty-five founding fathers who framed the Constitution were members of orthodox Christian Churches and that they were outspoken evangelicals.”[7]

          “We have forgotten where we have come from and what we have been about, and this is especially true when it comes to the role of the church – of ministers and Christians – in the civil arena.”[8]

          “Why is it that, next to the birthday of the Savior of the world, your most joyous and most venerated festival returns to this day (the 4th. of July)?  Is it not that in the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior?  That it forms a leading event in the progress of the gospel dispensation?  Is it not that the Declaration of Independence first organized the social compact on the foundation of the redeemer’s mission on earth?  That it laid the cornerstone of human government upon the precepts of Christianity?”[9]

          “It is the duty as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation you select and prefer Christians for their rulers” and that “this is a Christian nation”[10].

          “Why may not the Bible, and especially the New Testament…be read and taught as a divine revelation in the (schools)- it’s general precepts explained…and it’s glorious principles of morality inculcated?...where can the purest principles of morality be learned so clearly or so perfectly as from the New Testament?”[11]

          “Whatsoever strikes at the root of Christianity tends manifestly to the dissolution of civil government.”[12]

          “As nations cannot be rewarded or punished in the next world, they must be in this.  By an inevitable chain of causes and effects, Providence punishes national sins by national calamities.”[13]

          Patrick Henry said that “this country was not founded by religionists but by Christians, not on religions but on the gospel of Jesus Christ.” 

          Charles Hodge, who was the principal of the Princeton Theological Seminary between 1851 and 1878 said, “The proposition that the United States of America is a Christian and Protestant nation is not so much the assertion of a principle, as the statement of a fact.”

          After exhaustive study and review of our history, in 1892, the Supreme Court declared that we are a Christian Nation.[14] 

          Congress, 1854 – “The great, vital, and conservative element in our system is the belief of our people in the pure doctrines and the divine truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

          Daniel Webster said, “The Christian religion – its general principles – must ever be regarded among us as the foundation of civil society. Whatever makes men good Christian’s makes them good citizens.”

          Joseph Story, the Father of American Jurisprudence and Supreme Court justice said, “One of the beautiful boasts of our municipal jurisprudence is that Christianity is a part of the Common Law. There never has been a period in which the Common Law did not recognize Christianity as lying at its foundations.”

          In 1986, U.S. District Court Judge Frank McGarr said - “The truth is that America’s origins are Christian and that our founding fathers intended and achieved full religious freedom for all within the context of a Christian nation in the first Amendment as it was adopted rather than as we have rewritten it.” 

          President Obama said, One of the great strengths of the United States is... we have a very large Christian population - we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values.”

          I wonder why or present president doesn’t know the county he is serving.  The wrong questions were asked before the election.  I wonder where he would say we got our ideals and values.  “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”[15] Amen

[1] Luke 20:21
[2] John 8:32
[3] Wikipedia
[4] Congressman Walter B. Jones, NC 2002
[5] George Washington
[6] David Barton, America’s Godly Heritage 1993
[7] M.E. Bradford, A Worthy Company 1982
[8] David Barton, The Role of Pastors & Christians in Civil Government 2003
[9] John Quincy Adams  July 4, 1837
[10] John Jay, the first chief justice of the Supreme Court
[11] Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story 1844 court ruling
[12] New York Supreme Court 1811 the Supreme Court of the U.S. agreed.
[13] George Mason ‘The father of the Bills of Rights. 1787
[14] Trinity case
[15] Joshua 24:15


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